This is the new blog. This is the photo below that was automatically connected to the blog. And I love it. I love it because it represents a new day - a new beginning - a new way to make different choices. A new way to create better outcomes. The blogs I write on this site will challenge your thinking. It will open the door for those who haven't experienced sexual abuse or assault to know how relevant survivors of assault are. It will also reveal what assault is, how it manifests throughout life, and how the offering of understanding and care is monumental to helping those who may not even know that their behavior is a direct result of something that they have not even opened the door to learning about. Sexual assault affects every aspect of life. Your relationships with co-workers, friends, intimate partners, spouses, family, your children are all directly associated with what you've learned from others, and what you've learned from yourself. We are survivalists. When put in a position to defend, we find what may seem like the best possible solution to complex problems. As children, if we are experiencing assault, we just associate how to make ourselves feel good, when something feels so awful - even if what makes us feel good is unhealthy and dysfunctional.
Yet and still, our lives do not begin until we begin them. No one is going to tell us when, and no one is going to do it for us. Even if we have the best of everything - all of the money in the world, notoriety, things to keep us busy and even the love our life - nothing will cure how we are feeling, until we begin the process of healing ourselves. It requires a lot of hard work, and a lot of "truth facing" that can be very painful and difficult to manage. That is where Rhonda Ronsman Speaks helps. While the road is full of potholes and confusing turns, if you don't stop moving, you will continue to move forward. The real beauty is that we don't have to continue to travel on roads that others have damaged. We can build and pave a new one, and take a totally different path. We have the power within ourselves to do this.
Rhonda Ronsman Speaks will help you get there. In the process, you will experience a beauty and rebirth you never thought possible. More importantly, Rhonda Ronsman Speaks will help others understand that this process is real. It is valid. It is something that requires others to notice, so that survivors can begin to thrive in a world that so often makes survivors feel responsible for something that they did not create.
Let's do this together. Please continue to visit and learn ways to be a part of the solution.
