Mother's Day is a wonderful way to celebrate the amazing impact that our mothers have had in our lives. It can be complex for some, because many had mothers who were not present, or when they were, they were incredibly abusive. Many are adopted and do not know who their biological mother is. Even though they may be receiving love in their new home, we do not know what that feels like if we are someone who had our biological mother comfort and raise us. There are many children whose parents do not talk to them, and many parents who have children who do not talk to them. There are reasons for all of that and no one absent from those experiences has a right to judge. Parents have their reasons and children definitely have theirs, and both can be clearly understood. No matter what the reasoning, it does not make it less painful on days like these.
Then you have those who were inseparable and remarkably close to their mothers, however, their mothers have passed on or are on their way there. Then we have mothers who have lost their children in tragic ways, who will never hear "Happy Mother's Day" from their child or adopted child ever again. That is a pain I do not want to understand and cannot imagine what it must feel like.
What I do know is it is another day of grief. It may be a day of celebration and acknowledgment for a job well done, however, for those going through the pain of such a tremendous loss as mentioned above, it is an added pain onto an already full plate of daily despair.
My message is for these people today:
A mother is not perfect. Be better today for YOU and everything will fall into place. I see you.
A child who has separated from their mom for their reasons, I know the pain you feel. I see you.
A lost mother is remembered every day, not just today. I see you.
A child lost to a mother is an unimaginable pain. I see you.
An adopted child loves his/her adoptive parents but misses the parents he/she has yet to meet. I see you.
Mothering is a complex thing that is individual to each person who experiences motherhood. Everyone has their story that, unless we are involved intimately, we just have no idea what that particular person or people are experiencing. Mother's Day is a great holiday to dedicate to mothers.
It is important still to note that those who, for one reason or another, may not be able to celebrate today in the traditional way that others are, need our support, care, and love.
I want to wish everyone a wonderful Mother's Day - and I want to thank my son, Keaton Begos, for teaching me not just how to be a better mother, but a better person. I love you!
I also want to wish my mom a Happy Mother's Day. These past few months have been an eye-opening experience in faith and self-reflection. Thank you for trusting me to care for you, and for giving me the space to become closer to you:) I love you.
Happy Mother's Day!